Sean Callagy has hit a lot of highs in his 23 years of working for himself. He started two successful law firms, one of which he sold for seven figures. These days, he inspires other entrepreneurs to unleash their gifts through his integrity-based sales training, And Sean accomplished these things as his eyesight progressively deteriorated to the point where he’s now legally blind.
On his wide-ranging interview with Steve Sims on The Art of Making Things Happen podcast, top-tier attorney Callagy discussed his multifaceted career. At first, his ambition was to become an athlete. As a high school athlete, Callagy wasn’t too remarkable, but that changed when he met a sports psychologist at age 16. After learning about sports psychology, Callagy started switching up his weight training, and he became a top Division One recruit.
Because of his eyesight, Callagy didn’t get drafted as a professional baseball player, though. He eventually decided to go to law school, where he also excelled. “[I]t was just the same way as athletics: I developed systems and processes,” Callagy explained.
Although Callagy landed a “dream job” after law school, he soon realized that it wasn’t for him. He told Sims that the job “. . . was negative; it was limited. And I realized that the reason that people were free in a capitalist structure was that they have the ability to influence.” With $100,000 of law school debt, he was afraid to quit his job at “the ripe old age of 27.” That’s when a mentor of his told him to read Tony Robbins’ book Awaken the Giant Within.
Through Robbins, Callagy learned how to control his fear, and he went through with quitting his job. His employers couldn’t believe it — they even offered him psychological counseling. Nevertheless, Callagy decided to “. . . build my own law firm as an experiment to see if all this personal development type stuff works.”
The verdict? It did! Two years later, Callagy’s law firm had grown to 40 people. In 2003, he sold that firm “for multiple seven figures.” After that, he became a certified coach and soon pulled in $40,000 per month.
The problem was that coaching was demanding, and he wanted to participate in his children’s lives fully. So he decided to start a second law firm and “. . . build it, scale it, become a business owner, [and] coach all my kids’ sports games and teams.”
Fast forward to 2018, when Callagy’s son was ready to go to college. Then Callagy began to work nights and weekends again and decided to launch Unblinded. offers a free weekday dose of Callagy’s signature Integrity-Based Human Influence training, which he’d been percolating since 2000. “If you’re ready to go and accelerate your sales and accelerate the quantity and quality of your meetings in a way to make you feel full of integrity, it’s,” Callagy told Sims. bills itself as a sales training built with integrity. It helps people influence others in a way that’s comfortable, genuine, and in alignment with their essence. People buy into the program, Callagy explains, “. . . because [they] thought I had massive integrity and the ability to help [them] see what they’re not seeing through the influence technology that I understand.”
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In founding Unblinded, Callagy wasn’t driven by money. “My dream is . . . to have 100,000 people that work with me speak in front of a thousand people and truly be unleashing their gifts. And that’s what Unblinded Mastery is about. [It’s] for anybody seeking celebration of their business [and making sales as a] doctor, lawyer, coach, trainer — anybody.”
Although Sean Callagy has already achieved a great deal in the legal field, Unblinded may well be his most lasting legacy. The legally blind lawyer, Sean Callagy, freely offers his vision and perspective to help people achieve success in their own arenas.
To learn more about Sean Callagy:
Listen to the podcast:
Sean Callagy's website Unblinded:
Copyright Steve D. Sims CEO, The Art of Making Things Happen podcast
